Thursday always strikes me as an odd day...not Wednesday...the middle of the week day...not Friday when here in our brokerage we knock off a little early and spend some "quality time" with each other and anybody else that happens in - drinking beers or wine and talking about other things. At this Friday Afternoon Club we ponder neither the state of the market and the large title company that was about to go under and got saved by a bigger title company that swooped in at the eleventh hour and I've heard on the street the 59th minute nor what well known real estate company here in town has a very nasty blog about it making its way around the internet. But Thursdays...Thursdays are another matter...Thursday is the day of the trustees sale, where every week they auction foreclosed properties and Thursday is also the day that the list of new foreclosures is emailed directly to my inbox by my title company buddies. Yes in the changing landscape of the realestate market I guess Thursdays have taken on a strange significance all their least to the Real Estate community.
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